‘Purchase Invoices’ – Power of Attorney and General Terms and Conditions
You, the company (hereafter ‘You’),
- Authorise “Wolters Kluwer Belgium N.V.”, company number BE 0405.772.873, as Service Provider of Codabox (hereafter “Codabox”) to (i) request, in Your name and on Your behalf, to all of Your current and future suppliers and relevant third parties (hereafter ‘Suppliers’), to change the delivery method for Your purchase invoices, i.e. a switch from the delivery of paper invoices to the electronic delivery of Your purchase invoices and to (ii) obtain from Your Suppliers their approval of said change and of the delivery of Your invoices to an electronic invoicing operator selected and approved by CODABOX (hereafter ‘Provider’); You authorise Your Suppliers to electronically send Your purchase invoices directly to CODABOX through a Provider; The purchase invoices that will be handled by CODABOX in accordance with this power of attorney and these general terms and conditions are called hereafter ‘Electronic Purchase Invoices’;
- Authorise CODABOX to disclose to Your fiduciary company, directly or indirectly through a Provider, all Your Electronic Purchase Invoices;
You accept that Your fiduciary company shall automatically and simultaneously receive copies of Your Electronic Purchase Invoices (including possibly invoices that are or will be contested), in order to facilitate the information transfer between You and Your fiduciary company. - Remain the sole holder of the rights and obligations in relation with Your Electronic Purchase Invoices and their content; neither CODABOX nor Your fiduciary company shall assume any liability in this respect; You hereby accept that from now on You shall electronically receive Your Electronic Purchase Invoices and You undertake to inform Your fiduciary company without delay in the event of an inaccuracy or of a problem pertaining to the form or to the content of Your Electronic Purchase Invoice, of which you have informed Your Supplier.
- Authorise CODABOX, in order to improve the conversion of Your purchase invoices into Electronic Purchase Invoices, to access, with the assistance of Your fiduciary company, the content of bank transfers received and/or sent with a view to identifying – based on the IBANs of bank accounts – any new suppliers to which CODABOX can request, in Your name and on Your behalf, the conversion of Your purchase invoices into Electronic Purchase Invoices.
- The intervention of CODABOX shall sometimes cause a change in the electronic format of Your Electronic Purchase Invoice; However, under no circumstances can CODABOX technically amend the data contained in Your Electronic Purchase Invoices; CODABOX can merely add information that is relevant for the handling of the Electronic Purchase Invoices (e.g. metadata); CODABOX does not issue electronic invoices, it merely forwards them.
- Authorise CODABOX , in an unlimited territory, i) to deal directly with and/or to sub-contract any and all requests, sending, transferring and archiving operations and further ii) to perform any and all validations towards Your Suppliers for the conversion of your purchase invoices into Electronic Purchase Invoices;
The aforementioned authorizations shall enter into force on the date of Your confirmation of this power of attorney and shall remain valid until You formally revoke the power of attorney. You can revoke the power attorney at all times with two (2) months prior notice by simple electronic message to helpdesk@codabox.com.
Unless agreed otherwise, You are personally responsible for contesting Your Electronic Purchase Invoices in accordance with the contractual and/or legal provisions that apply between You and Your Supplier , and CODABOX and/or the Provider and/or Your fiduciary company shall not be under any obligation whatsoever in this regard.
In relation to the sending of Your Electronic Purchase Invoices, CODABOX works on a ‘reasonable effort’ basis and hence it does not guarantee any result. You accept that the liability of CODABOX in relation to the sending of Your Electronic Purchase Invoices under the present specific terms and conditions is limited as follows :
- CODABOX is only liable for fraud, wilful misconduct and/or gross negligence
- CODABOX’s liability shall under no circumstances lead to any compensation for indirect damage of a financial, commercial nature or any other kind, such as time loss, loss of or damage to clientele, loss of data, loss of earnings, loss of profits, increase in general overheads, disruption of business, claims from third parties, reputation or expected savings.
- In the event CODABOX is found liable, its liability will in all cases be restricted to the remedying of the proven direct damage, and such liability shall under no circumstances exceed an amount of thousand (1,000) EUR during the term of these specific terms and conditions.
If Your fiduciary company no longer has the licences which enable it to use CODABOX’ products, You shall have the option to deal directly with CODABOX; a corporate rate shall then be offered;
The natural person who has accepted this power of attorney and these general terms and conditions in Your name and on Your behalf has been confirmed by Your fiduciary company as Your valid legal representative; by accepting this power of attorney and these general terms and conditions, this person confirms that he/she is entitled to validly represent You;
CODABOX will not process personal data concerning You, unless such processing is necessary to fulfil contractual obligations towards You and/or towards Your Fiduciairy or to increase the security or the reliability of its services. In any event, CODABOX shall strictly comply with the applicable legislation, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. More info on https://www.codabox.com/en/gdpr/